Transformational Puppy Training

Serving Uckfield, Crowborough, Lewes and surroundings (see FAQs)

Give your new puppy the best start in life

Puppies are amazing. They’re enthusiastic, inquisitive, and an endless source of delight. They can also very easily develop habits and coping strategies which are unhelpful for them, incompatible with your lifestyle, or even dangerous for them or other dogs or people.

Concept Training gives your puppy real-world life skills – here are some examples:


True calmness is vital for the type of rest which grows a healthy body. It’s also an incredibly valuable skill to have in the face of distractions. A puppy who can calm quickly – and stay calm – is a predictable dog you can take anywhere.


The world is an exciting place for puppies – but exposing them to too much, too early, can quickly become overwhelming and lead to anxiety or even fear-based responses. A puppy with the right amount of appropriate socialisation is an easy-going, confident adult dog.

Impulse Control

Puppies want to explore everything – and that means with their mouths. Teaching impulse control from an early age creates a patient and frustration-tolerant dog, redirects ‘nipping’, and provides a vital puppy safety net with cues like “DROP!”.

Photo of a boy training a dog

I’ll teach you to train your puppy like a pro


You’ll learn to manage the environment to set your puppy up for success. You’ll learn to train FOR the situation, instead of trying to train IN the situation (which is a quick route to frustration and failure).

Traffic Light Training

My easy to remember, systematic approach to behaviour management and training. Learn to approach your puppy’s training like a pro – to assess, manage, and then train according to their needs at that moment.


Once you’re thinking like a pro, you’ll be ready for pretty much anything. You’ll be able to adapt the games and strategies you’ve learned and use them in different situations, or with different dogs.

Ready to be your puppy’s superhero?

When your puppy looks to you for guidance – no matter what’s going on – every new experience becomes an opportunity.

Photo of a woman and dog standing at a wall
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